Copyright Notice © 2023 Furspective Photography. All rights reserved. Date of Last Revision: January 13, 2024. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Furspective Photography retain all ownership and intellectual property rights to the images contained herein. Any usage, including but not limited to copying, downloading, sharing, printing, or publishing of these images, without the explicit written consent of Furspective Photography, is strictly prohibited. For licensing inquiries or permission to use the images for commercial or personal purposes, please contact me at EMAIL: // Discord: folfy.owo // Twitter: @SparksTheFolf. Thank you for respecting the copyright and intellectual property rights of Furspective Photography. Best regards, -Furspective Photography -SparksFolfy -SparksTheFolf Contact Information: